Friday, January 25, 2013

1000 Roses Wedding Proposal

Nothing is sweeter in giving your girlfriend a bouquet of roses. To make your proposal more special. We provide you a great wedding proposal idea that will help you. if your girl adore the beauty and the smell of flowers. I think that 1000 roses wedding proposal will definitely touches her heart to the fullest.

A man in Melbourne, Asutralia,  propsed to his girlfriend with the 1000 roses tricks. Watch the video of the 1000 roses wedding proposal  and the video description.

“My partner proposed to me with 1000+ roses. He even organised for a new outfit, hair, nails and makeup. I had no idea until half way in, but wasn’t sure until he actually did it. I had the best day ever! I would like to thank the 100′s of friends, family and strangers who helped make it possible. Although we had video of the whole day, we had to cut alot of people out and I wish we could have had you all in it. Thanks for braving the Melbourne rainy and windy weather to make our day so awesome.”

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